2023《來自臺灣》國家交響樂團/臺灣愛樂 日本巡演


  臺灣愛樂 2023美國巡演

From Formosa Taiwan Philharmonic 2023 U.S. Tour

國家交響樂團時隔2年,將在5月啟程前往日本巡迴演出,造訪東京、兵庫及福山,帶來多場精彩演出。首場將在5月6日於兵庫縣立藝術文化中心展開,音樂總監準.馬寇爾(Jun Märkl)攜手小提琴家林品任,合作演出布魯赫《蘇格蘭幻想曲》,同場樂團還將呈現孟德爾頌、德布西的經典作品。第二站於5月8日在東京歌劇城音樂廳,由音樂總監準.馬寇爾率領NSO,與小提琴家林品任、鋼琴家福間洸太朗、東京大都會合唱團及八角塔男聲合唱團攜手同臺,並將帶來貝多芬《合唱幻想曲》,渾然天成的人聲與器樂,唱出安祥和平的精神,帶領演出者及觀眾邁入美好的未來。此次巡演曲目將呈現兩首臺灣作曲家作品,包含作曲家李元貞受客家委員會委託,將客家山歌韻味融入交響樂的《美濃之道》,以及國家文藝獎得主金希文,以音符描繪臺灣阿里山日出暖陽、光照大地的《日出臺灣》。緊接著受福山國際音樂季之邀,前往玫瑰之都福山進行一系列的音樂會。5月11至12日,由NSO協同指揮吳曜宇,攜手獨奏家呈現精心籌備的三場學生音樂會;5月13日音樂總監準.馬寇爾則將帶領NSO與小提琴家林品任呈現開幕音樂會;5月14日擔綱壓軸閉幕音樂會演出,由身為德布西權威的音樂總監準.馬寇爾與NSO,以德布西不朽的經典作品《海》,為音樂祭劃下圓滿句點。

文章節錄 https://npac-nso.org/zh/concerts/doc-giv8xw0xhe

After 2 years, the National Symphony Orchestra will set off for a tour in Japan in May, visiting Tokyo, Hyogo and Fukuyama, and bringing many wonderful performances. The first performance will be held at the Hyogo Prefectural Arts and Culture Center on May 6th. The music director will be . Jun Märkl joined hands with violinist Lin Pinren to perform Bruch's "Scottish Fantasy". 

The orchestra will also present classic works by Mendelssohn and Debussy. The second stop will be at the Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall on May 8, and the music director Zhun. Marcoll leads the NSO, joins hands with violinist Lin Pinren, pianist Fukuma Kotaro, Tokyo Metropolitan Choir and Octagonal Tower Men's Choir, and will bring Beethoven's "Choral Fantasia" with natural vocals With instrumental music, singing the spirit of tranquility and peace, leading the performers and audience into a bright future. 

The repertoire of this tour will present two works by Taiwanese composers, including "The Way of Meinong", commissioned by the Hakka Committee, by the composer Li Yuanzhen, who integrated the charm of Hakka folk songs into the symphony, and Jin Xiwen, the winner of the National Literature and Art Award, who used musical notes to describe the sunrise in Alishan, Taiwan "Sunrise Taiwan" warms the sun and illuminates the earth. 

Immediately afterwards, I was invited by the Fukuyama International Music Season to go to Fukuyama, the capital of roses, for a series of concerts. From May 11th to 12th, Wu Yaoyu, the co-conductor of NSO, presented three carefully prepared student concerts together with soloists; Marcoll will lead NSO and violinist Lin Pinren to present the opening concert; on May 14, he will perform the finale and closing concert, led by the authoritative music director of Debussy. Marcoll and NSO, with Debussy's immortal classic "The Sea", drew a successful conclusion for the music festival.

文章節錄 https://npac-nso.org/zh/concerts/doc-giv8xw0xhe