2023《來自臺灣》國家交響樂團/臺灣愛樂 美國巡演


  臺灣愛樂 2023美國巡演

From Formosa Taiwan Philharmonic 2023 U.S. Tour

睽違四年,國家交響樂團(NSO)再度啟程前往美國巡迴演出,以此向國際展示「來自臺灣」的音樂實力。 此次巡演將分別於紐約、華盛頓特區與芝加哥,總計演出四場。首場將由國家交響樂團(NSO)音樂家群與林肯中心室內樂協會(CMS)音樂家,於紐約林肯表演中心艾莉絲.塔利廳,連袂呈現室內樂音樂會。 第二站於4月19日應華盛頓表演藝術協會(Washington Performing Arts)之邀在甘迺迪表演藝術中心(The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts)演出,由音樂總監準.馬寇爾率領NSO,與活躍於國際樂壇的臺灣小提琴家黃俊文攜手同台;緊接著,受紐約愛樂之邀,將於林肯表演中心大衛・格芬廳(David Gaffen Hall at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts)演出第三場;巡演最後一站,則受臺灣之友基金會(Friends of Taiwan Foundation)之邀,將至芝加哥溫茲音樂廳(Chicago Wentz Concert Hall, Naperville)演出。 此次巡演除了經典曲目外,還將呈現兩首臺灣作曲家作品:作曲家李元貞受客家委員會委託創作,將客家山歌韻味融入交響樂的《美濃之道》,以及臺灣作曲家陳可嘉《潮生潮落》的世界首演;NSO不僅向國際樂壇展示「來自臺灣」的音樂實力,也持續累積國際能見度。

文章節錄 https://npac-nso.org/en/concerts/doc-ghfjm942rv

Led by Music Director Jun Märkl, the Taiwan Philharmonic is honored to return to the United States for a national tour this spring. The 2023 tour launches in New York City with a chamber music concert at Alice Tully Hall (April 14) celebrating the Taiwan Philharmonic’s long-term friendship with the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, then proceeds to The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. presented by Washington Performing Arts (April 19), returns to New York City at David Geffen Hall as presented by the New York Philharmonic (April 21), and concludes at Wentz Concert Hall in the western Chicago suburb of Naperville (April 23). 

The wide-ranging repertoire on the tour celebrates the vibrancy and diversity of cultures in Taiwan by including two unique Taiwanese works, alongside European classics. Two unique Taiwanese includes a new work, Ebbs and Flows, by Taiwanese composer Ke-Chia Chen (she/her) – co-commissioned by Washington Performing Arts and Muzik3 Foundation, Inc – and the second is from Taiwanese composer Yuan-Chen Li’s (she/her) Tao of Meinong, commissioned by Hakka Affairs Council. It reflects concepts in ancient Chinese phonology, Taiwanese chamber and aboriginal music, Asian traditional arts, literature, and Buddhism, resulting in a cross-cultural and cross-disciplined approach to music. 

The European repertoire on the tour includes Max Bruch’s Scottish Fantasy, a work for violin and orchestra inspired by Scottish folk songs, performed with Taiwanese-American violinist Paul Huang; Mendelssohn’s The Hebrides Overture; and Debussy’s La Mer, which highlights one of Maestro Märkl’s most celebrated specialties of French classical repertoire. The Taiwan Philharmonic aspires to resonate throughout the world as the cultural ambassador, and is devoted to bringing joy to audiences through memorable, high-quality performances.

文章節錄 https://npac-nso.org/en/concerts/doc-ghfjm942rv